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Safety Rules
1. Weapons pointed down when not fencing or doing a specific exercise.

When walking to the fencing piste, waiting for an exercise to start or while discussing a touch with the referee between points in a match are all examples of moments when you could be holding a fencing weapon and not wearing your mask in these moments your weapon should always be pointed down. If not a simple thing like turning to talk to someone could result in an avoidable accident.


2. Never fence without a mask
Further to point one whenever you are facing an opponent, you and your opponent’s mask is on before you raise your point ready to fence. Safety equipment is called safety equipment for a reason.

3. Stop what you are doing when someone calls halt
If there is a coach in charge of a group exercise or a referee in charge of your piste. When they call Halt! Stop immediately. It could be a teaching moment, to award the point or it could be because someone is hurt or about to be hurt and they want to stop it escalating. If you hear a halt shouted and you are unsure if it is directed at you. Stop but do not take off your mask until you are sure your opponent has stopped also.

4. Always wear the correct equipment to play and Don’t wear fencing shoes outdoors
Your personal attire beneath your fencing equipment should be reasonably fitting with no loose folds, comfortable and unrestrictive. Your shoes should be sporting shoes. No formal shoes or anything open toed.
Above this you must always wear the uniform adequate to the exercise you are doing.

Beginners can wear a Jacket Mask and Glove to work with non-electric weapons.
Anyone fencing on the piste must wear the full fencing uniform
Jacket, Breeches, Glove and Mask
The little bits of dirt and grit that come in from the outside can make the floor a slip hazard. Please wear outdoor shoes to the bag drop and then change into your fencing shoes to train.

5. Stop immediately if there’s an issue or if you feel pain or discomfort
No matter how focused you are on the match, if your opponent looks hurt or it appears their equipment is broken or something is wrong with yours, Wave your hand to the referee or opponent and then stop straight away. It may be a false alarm
but it is better than making things worse by continuing. 
If something twists, pops or snaps stop. If you feel like you have strained or torn something, stop and assess. Ignoring the signs of injury can put you out for longer than stopping resting and making an informed decision about whether it is safe to proceed. Don't make a small matter worse.

6. Salute must be done from the en-guarde lines before shaking hands after a match.
Oftentimes fencers finish fencing and approach each other to shake hands while saluting.
This can be a risk with weapons pointing up and masks off to salute, there is the potential to hit the opponent in the face.
When a match is over, always go to the en-guarde line to salute and only then, while your weapon is down, approach each other to shake hands.


8. Put away all equipment after you use it

Equipment left lying around after you have finished with it can be hard to find or a trip hazard. It is also not the coaches job to pick up after you…. Or your mothers! If you get it out put it back where it came from neatly or in the case of jackets, in the laundry basket by the store room.

9. Non-fencers out of the fencing area and No food or beverages in the fencing area

Only fencers who are actively training should be in the fencing area. No spectators allowed!
Parents and partners are welcome to watch from the sides but not to enter the area of play. There is room to sit and observe at the rear or side of the hall as well access to toilets, change rooms and kitchen. Don't cross the floor unless you are going to a class activity or getting on the strip.
Food and beverages are not allowed in the fencing area.
There is a chance that these will make a mess or spill. This could be a slip hazard or just waste time cleaning up.

10. If you see something, say something
Look out for each other. If someone is doing something they shouldn't or that is a risk of someone being hurt, say something or if you are uncomfortable with this, let the coach know so they can. We are a community and sometimes need to be reminded that there are others in the room we need to respect or that we are taking risks we shouldn't. On the flipside if someone does say something to you, don't take offense. I expect you to look out for each other.


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